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- Category: Sudoku variations
In Sudoku Earthquake we take a normal 9 x 9 Sudoku puzzle and shake it up.
In each puzzle we've placed a jagged "fault line" of from eight to fourteen spaces zig-zagging from one edge of the puzzle to another. The digits that appear along the fault line are listed below the puzzle. In addition to normal Sudoku rules, you also need to place each of the digits listed for the fault line somewhere along it.
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- Category: Sudoku variations
To solve a normal Sudoku puzzle, you fill in a 9 x 9 grid of digits, each square containing a digit, 1 - 9 with none of the digits repeated.
In Stars & Stripes Sudoku we still have 1 - 9 and we’ve added three stars. Each row and column now contains twelve spaces instead of nine and the boxes are 3 x 4. Nine of the spaces in each row, box and column will have one of the nine digits; the other three spaces will contain stars.